VALVERDE Ibai See the English profil sheet

- Statut : Chargé(e) de recherche
- Équipe : PD2A
- Fonction : Chercheurs et enseignants chercheurs
- Tags : Bioconjugaison et peptides, Chimie Bio(in)organique, Chimie Biologie, Imagerie Moléculaire
- ORCID ID : 0000-0002-5802-4131
- Researcher ID : O-2631-2017
- Scopus Author ID : 34772169700
- Adresse :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aile B - Bureau B-R26
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : +33 380 399 048
Depuis 2016 : Chargé de Recherche Classe Normale à l’ICMUB, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
2010- 2016 : Chercheur post-doctoral, Hôpital Universitaire de Bâle, équipe du Prof. Thomas Mindt, Bâle, Suisse.
2006 ‐ 2010 : Doctorat en Chimie Organique, Université d’Orléans/Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, équipe des Dr. Agnès Delmas et Dr. Vincent Aucagne, Orléans, France.
2005 ‐ 2006 : Master 2 Recherche en Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France.
2003 - 2006: Diplôme d’Ingénieur de l’École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, Rennes, France.
- Développement de nouvelles méthodologies de bioconjugaison
- Développement de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes et sondes fluorogéniques
- Développement de nouveaux chélateurs pour l’imagerie nucléaire
- Synthèse et caractérisation pharmacologique de nouvelles sondes peptidiques radiomarquées
2021 - Financement France Life Imaging "BivalImag"
2019 - Bourse MESR - Francesco Rota-Sperti
2018 - Financement Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté ANER "Dipept"
- "Theranostics of Primary Prostate Cancer: Beyond PSMA and GRP-R" Schollhammer, R., Quintyn Ranty, M.-L., de Clermont Gallerande, H., Cavelier, F., Valverde, I. E., Vimont, D., Hindié, E., Morgat, C. Cancers 2023, 15 (8), 2345.
- "Side-by-Side Comparison of G-Quadruplex (G4) Capture Efficiency of the Antibody BG4 versus the Small-Molecule Ligands TASQs" Feng, Y.; He, Z.; Luo, Z.; Sperti, F. R.; Valverde, I. E.; Zhang, W.; Monchaud, D. iScience 2023, 26 (6).
- "Modular One-Pot Strategy for the Synthesis of Heterobivalent Tracers" Bailly, T., Bodin, S., Goncalves, V., Denat, F., Morgat, C., Prignon, A., Valverde, I. E.* ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14 (5), 636.
- "Click-Chemistry-Based Biomimetic Ligands Efficiently Capture G-Quadruplexes In Vitro and Help Localize Them at DNA Damage Sites in Human Cells" Rota Sperti, F., Dupouy, B., Mitteaux, J., Pipier, A., Pirrotta, M., Chéron, N., Valverde, I. E.*; Monchaud, D.* JACS Au 2022, 2 (7), 1588.
- "Biomimetic, Smart, and Multivalent Ligands for G-Quadruplex Isolation and Bioorthogonal Imaging" Rota Sperti F., Charbonnier T., Lejault P., Zell J., Bernhard C., Valverde I.E.*, Monchaud D.* ACS Chem. Biol. 2021, 16, 905.
- "1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazoles as Amide Bond Isosteres Yield Novel Tumor-Targeting Minigastrin Analogs" Grob N.M., Shibli R., Béhé M., Valverde I.E.*, Mindt T.L.* ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 585.
- "Synthetic routes to novel fluorogenic pyronins and silicon analogs with far-red spectral properties and enhanced aqueous stability" Dejouy G., Renault K., Valverde I.E., Romieu A. Dyes and Pigments 2020, 180, 108496.
- " Fluorogenic Enzyme-Triggered Domino Reactions Producing Quinoxalin-2(1H)-one-based Heterocycles" Dejouy G, Renault K., Bonnin Q., Chevalier A., Michaudet C., Picquet M., Valverde I.E., Romieu A. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 6494-6499
- "Single Peptide Backbone Surrogate Mutations to Regulate Angiotensin GPCR Subtype Selectivity" Vrettos E.I., Valverde I.E., Mascarin A. et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 10690-10694.
- "Synthesis and evaluation of zirconium-89 labelled and long-lived GLP-1 receptor agonists for PET imaging" Jacobsen C.B., Raavé R., Pedersen M.Ø., Adumeau P., Moreau M., Valverde I.E., Bjørnsdottir I., Kristensen J.B., Grove M.F., Raun K., McGuire J., Goncalves V., Heskamp S., Denat F., Gustafsson M. Nuc. Med. Biol. 2020, 82, 49-56.
- “The Scope of Application of Macrocyclic Polyamines Beyond Metal Chelation" Lejault P., Duskova K., Bernhard C., Valverde I.E.*, Romieu A.*, Monchaud D.* Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 36, 6146-6157. Selected as VIP paper.
- “Quest for novel fluorogenic xanthene dyes: Synthesis, spectral properties and stability of 3-imino-3H-xanthen-6-amine (pyronin) and its silicon analog" Romieu A., Dejouy G., Valverde I.E. Tetrahedron Lett. 2018, 59, 4574-4581.
- “Synthesis, stability and spectral behavior of fluorogenic sulfone-pyronin and sulfone-rosamine dyes” Dejouy, G.; Laly, M.; Valverde, I. E.; Romieu, A. Dyes and Pigments 2018, 159, 262-274.
- “Comparison of the octadentate bifunctional chelator DFO*-pPhe-NCS and the clinically used hexadentate bifunctional chelator DFO-pPhe-NCS for 89Zr-immuno-PET” Vugts, D. J.; Klaver, C.; Sewing, C.; Poot, A. J.; Adamzek, K.; Huegli, S.; Mari, C.; Visser, G. W. M.; Valverde, I. E.; Gasser, G.; Mindt, T. L.; Van Dongen G. A. M. S. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 2017, 44 (2), 286-295.
- “Amide-to-triazole switch vs. in vivo NEP-inhibition approaches to promote radiopeptide targeting of GRPR-positive tumors” Maina, T.; Kaloudi, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Mindt, T. L.; Nock, B. A. Nuc. Med. Biol. 2017, 52, 17-62.
- “Radiolabeled Analogs of Neurotensin (8–13) Containing Multiple 1,2,3-Triazoles as Stable Amide Bond Mimics in the Backbone” Mascarin, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Mindt, T. L. MedChemComm 2016, 7 (8), 1640-1646.
- “Toward the Optimization of Bombesin-Based Radiotracers for Tumor Targeting” Valverde, I. E.*; Vomstein, S.; Mindt, T. L.* J. Med. Chem. 2016, 59 (8), 3867–3877.
- “Structure–Activity Relationship Studies of Amino Acid Substitutions in Radiolabeled Neurotensin Conjugates” Mascarin, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Mindt, T. L. ChemMedChem 2016, 11 (1), 102–107.
- “Novel Chemoselective 18F-Radiolabeling of Thiol-Containing Biomolecules under Mild Aqueous Conditions” Chiotellis, A.; Sladojevich, F.; Mu, L.; Herde, A. M.; Valverde, I. E.; Tolmachev, V.; Schibli, R.; Ametamey, S. M.; Mindt, T. L. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52 (36), 6083–6086.
- “Probing the Backbone Function of Tumor Targeting Peptides by an Amide-to-Triazole Substitution Strategy” Valverde, I. E.; Vomstein, S.; Fischer, C. A.; Mascarin, A.; Mindt, T. L. J. Med. Chem. 2015, 58 (18), 7475–7484.
- “1,2,3-Triazole Stabilized Neurotensin-Based Radiopeptidomimetics for Improved Tumor Targeting” Mascarin, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Vomstein, S.; Mindt, T. L. Bioconjug. Chem. 2015, 26 (10), 2143–2152.
- “Development of 68Ga- and 89Zr-Labeled Exendin-4 as Potential Radiotracers for the Imaging of Insulinomas by PET” Bauman, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Fischer, C. A.; Vomstein, S.; Mindt, T. L. J. Nucl. Med. 2015, 56 (10), 1569–1574.
- “Radiolabeled Antagonistic Bombesin Peptidomimetics for Tumor Targeting” Valverde, I. E.; Huxol, E.; Mindt, T. L. J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 2014, 57 (4), 275–278.
- “Effect of a Spacer Moiety on Radiometal Labelled Neurotensin Derivatives” Mascarin, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Mindt, T. L. Radiochim. Acta 2013, 101 (11), 733–737.
- “1,2,3-Triazoles as Amide Bond Mimics: Triazole Scan Yields Protease-Resistant Peptidomimetics for Tumor Targeting” Valverde, I. E.; Bauman, A.; Kluba, C. A.; Vomstein, S.; Walter, M. A.; Mindt, T. L. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52 (34), 8957–8960.
- “1,2,3-Triazoles as Amide-Bond Surrogates in Peptidomimetics” Valverde, I. E.; Mindt, T. L. CHIMIA 2013, 67 (4), 262–266.
- “Towards the Simplification of Protein Synthesis: Iterative Solid-Supported Ligations with Concomitant Purifications” Aucagne, V.; Valverde, I. E.; Marceau, P.; Galibert, M.; Dendane, N.; Delmas, A. F. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51 (45), 11320–11324.
- “Dual-Targeting Conjugates Designed to Improve the Efficacy of Radiolabeled Peptides” Kluba, C. A.; Bauman, A.; Valverde, I. E.; Vomstein, S.; Mindt, T. L. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012, 10 (37), 7594–7602.
- “Synthesis of a Biologically Active Triazole-Containing Analogue of Cystatin A Through Successive Peptidomimetic Alkyne–Azide Ligations” Valverde, I. E.; Lecaille, F.; Lalmanach, G.; Aucagne, V.; Delmas, A. F. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51 (3), 718–722.
- "Click À La Carte: Robust Semi-Orthogonal Alkyne Protecting Groups for Multiple Successive Azide/alkyne Cycloadditions” Valverde, I. E.; Delmas, A. F.; Aucagne, V. Tetrahedron 2009, 65 (36), 7597–7602.
- "Click-peptides: Novel 1,2,3-triazole backbone-modified peptidomimetics for tumor targeting" Valverde I.E., Bauman A., Kluba C., Mascarin A., Vomstein S., Walter M., Mindt T.L. in Peptides 2012 Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium; Edited by George Kokotos, Violetta Constantinou-Kokotou, John Matsoukas, The European Peptide Society : Athens, Greece, 2012, pp 346-347.
- "Multiple, successive azide-alkyne cycloadditions as a new ligation tool" Valverde I.E., Aucagne V., Delmas A.F. in Peptides 2008 Proceedings of the Thirtieth European Peptide Symposium; Edited by Hilkka Lankinen, The Finnish Peptide Society and The European Peptide Society : Helsinki, Finland, 2008, pp 266-267.
"Bombesin Receptor Targeting Peptide Incorporating a 1, 2, 3-Triazole Group in the Backbone for Preparing in Vivo Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents" WO2012156511 (A1)
"Mono- and Multi-Triazolominigastrins for Targeting of Cck2r-Positive Neoplasms" WO2021165285 (A1)
"Biomimetic G-Quartet Compounds" WO2021198239 (A1)
«Peptidomimétiques basés sur le 1,2,3-triazole radiomarqués pour le ciblage tumoral» I. E. Valverde, 16emes Journées d’Hiver de la Société Chimique de France, 2018, Dijon, France.
«A new bifunctional chelator for Zr-89-immuno-PET: DFO*-pPhe-NCS and the comparison with the current clinical standard DFO-pPhe-NCS» D. J. Vugts, C. Klaver, C. Sewing, A. J. Poot, K. Adamzek, S. Huegli, C. Mari, I. E. Valverde, G. Gasser, T. L.Mindt, G. A. M. S. van Dongen, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
«Novel Chemoselective [18F]-Radiolabeling of Thiol-Containing Biomolecules under Mild Aqueous Conditions» A. Chiotellis, F. Sladojevich, L. Mu, A. Mueller-Herde, I.E. Valverde, V.Tolmachev, R.Schibli, S. M. Ametamey, T. L. Mindt Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
«Triazole-containing Bombesin Radiopeptidomimetics in GRPR-Tumor Targeting – The Impact of In Vivo Stability» T. Maina, I. E. Valverde, B. A. Nock, T.L. Mindt, 34th European Peptide Symposium, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria.
«Optimization of Bombesin Based Radiotracers for Tumor Targeting» I. E. Valverde, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, T.L. Mindt, 19th GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2015, Dinan, France.
«1,2,3-Triazole stabilized radiopeptidomimetics for improved tumor targeting» I. E. Valverde, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, T.L. Mindt, Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medecine, 2015, Basel, Switzerland.
«1,2,3-Triazole stabilized "click" radiopeptidomimetics for improved tumor targeting» T.L. Mindt, I. E. Valverde, C. A. Fischer, S. Vomstein, A. Bauman, Abstracts of Papers, 250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 2015, Boston, United States
«Optimization of Bombesin Based Radiotracers for Tumor Targeting» I. E. Valverde, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, T.L. Mindt, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medecine, 2014, Gotheburg, Sweden.
«Simplifying Chemical Protein Synthesis: Iterative Solid-Supported Peptidomimetic Ligation with Concomitant Purification» M. Galibert, I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne, A. Delmas, 18th GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2013, Sète, France.
«Triazole-stabilized Bombesin Derivatives for Tumor Targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, M. Walter, T.L. Mindt, 18th GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2013, Sète, France.
«Click-Peptides: Novel 1,2,3-Triazole Backbone-Modified Peptides for Tumor Targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, T.L. Mindt, Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, 2012, Zürich, Switzerland. Awarded as best oral presentation in Medicinal Chemistry.
«Click-Peptides: Design of Novel Stabilized Radiopeptides for Tumor Targeting» I.E. Valverde,A. Bauman, C. Kluba, M. Walter, T.L. Mindt, 16th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals,2012, Nantes, France.
«Click-Peptides: A novel Strategy for the Design of Stabilized Radiopeptides for Tumor Targeting » I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, T.L. Mindt, 19th International Symposium of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
«Développements méthodologiques pour la synthèse de protéines» V. Aucagne, I.E. Valverde, P. Marceau, N. Dendane, M. Galibert, A.F. Delmas, Journées de la Section Régionale Centre-Ouest de la Société Chimique de France2011, Tours, France.
«Des triazoles en guise d’amides : synthèse d’un analogue bioactif de la stéfine A par cycloadditions successives» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 16th GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2009, Albé, France.
« Triazole ligation : a synthetic tool for the production of protein analogues» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 49th GECO/Group of Study of Organic Chemistry, 2008, Seillac, France.
«Triazole ligation : a synthetic tool for the production of protein analogues» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, SAJEC/Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium, 2008, Batz-sur-Mer, France.
«La ligation triazole : Développement d’un nouvel outil pour la synthèse de proteines artificielles » I. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 15th GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2007, Dinard, France.
«Towards 1,5-disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazole-based peptidomimetics: Synthesis and application to radiolabeled minigastrin mimics» I.E. Valverde, N. Grob, M. Behe, T.L. Mindt. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
«Towards 1,5-disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazole-based peptidomimetics: Synthesis and application to radiolabeled minigastrin mimics» I.E. Valverde, N. Grob, M. Behe, T.L. Mindt. 21st GFPP/French Group for Peptides and Proteins Symposium, 2019, Amboise, France.
«Development of Monomolecular Multimodal Imaging Probes for Optical/Nuclear Imaging» A. Deshotel, I. E. Valverde, C. Bernhard, N. Maindron, M. Ipuy, D. Lhenry, M. Moreau, V. Thakare, A. Dubois, F. Boschetti, B. Collin, S. Roux, O. Raguin, C. Goze, F. Denat 2nd Dijon/Nanjing symposium on Functional Macrocyclic Molecules, 2018, Dijon, France
«Development of Monomolecular Multimodal Imaging Probes for Optical/Nuclear Imaging» I. E. Valverde, C. Bernhard, N. Maindron, M. Ipuy, D. Lhenry, M. Moreau, V. Thakare, A. Dubois, F. Boschetti, B. Collin, S. Roux, O. Raguin, C. Goze, F. Denat Le Studium Conference Is Multimodal Imaging an Invention with a Future? The Input of Chemistry, 2017, Orléans, France.
«Does the use of protease inhibitors outperform the chemical stabilization approach on targeting the cholecystokinin 2 receptor in vivo with radiolabelled gastrin analogues?» A. W. Sauter, R. Mansi, I. Valverde, L. Del Pozzo, M. Béhé, D. Wild, M. Fani, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
«Stabilized Neurotensin-Based Radiopeptidomimetics by Click-Chemistry» A. Mascarin, I. E. Valverde, T.L. Mindt, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medecine, 2014, Gotheburg, Sweden.
«New structure-activity relationship studies on bombesin-based radiotracers for tumor targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, T.L. Mindt, Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, 2014, Zürich, Switzerland.
«Expanding the solid phase chemical ligation approach to oxime and triazole ligations» A.F. Delmas, M. Galibert, I.E. Valverde, I.E. Decostaire, D. Lelièvre, P. Marceau, V. Piller, F. Piller, V. Aucagne, 2014, 33rd European Peptide Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria.
«1,2,3-Triazole Backbone-Modified Peptidomimetics for Improved Tumor Targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, T.L. Mindt, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medecine, 2013, Lyon, France.
«1,2,3-Triazole Backbone-Modified Peptidomimetics for Tumor Targeting » I.E. Valverde,T.L. Mindt, 20th International Symposium of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, 2013, Jeju, Korea.
«Triazole-Peptides: Novel Peptidomimetics for Tumor Targeting » I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, A. Mascarin, M. Walter, T.L. Mindt, Annual Meeting Pharma Basel, 2013, Basel, Switzerland.
«Dual-Targeting conjugates Designed to Improve the Efficacy of Radiolabeled Peptides» C.A. Kluba, A. Bauman, I.E. Valverde, S. Vomstein, T.L. Mindt, SCS/Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
«Click-stabilized peptidomimetics for tumor targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, M. Walter, T.L. Mindt, 32nd European Peptide Symposium, 2012, Athens, Greece. Awarded as best poster presentation.
«Dual-Targeting conjugates Designed to Improve the Efficacy of Radiolabeled Peptides» C.A. Kluba, A. Bauman, I.E. Valverde, S. Vomstein, T. L. Mindt, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2012, Milan, Italy.
«Click-stabilized peptidomimetics for tumor targeting» I.E. Valverde, A. Bauman, C. Kluba, A. Mascarin, S. Vomstein, M. Walter, T.L. Mindt, World Molecular Imaging Congress, 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
«Effect of different spacers on Neurotensin-based radiotracers» A. Mascarin, I.E. Valverde, T.L. Mindt, SCS/Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, 2012, Zürich, Switzerland (Poster)
«Synthesis of bioactive protein analogs by successive cycloadditions» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 45th RICT/International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, Orléans, France.
«Synthesis of bioactive protein analogs by successive cycloadditions» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, XIIth ICSN Symposium, 2009, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
«Synthesis of a backbone-engineered analogue of Stefin A through triazole multi-ligations» I.E. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 30th European Peptide Symposium, 2008, Helsinki, Finland.
«Synthesis of a backbone-engineered analogue of stefin A through triazole multi-ligations» I. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, Gordon Research Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry, 2008, Andover, NH, USA.
«Advances in triazole ligation: a simple method for multiple, successive cycloaddition» I. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, 2nd GFPP Chemical Ligation Symposium, 2008, Lille, France (Poster + Oral Communication by V. Aucagne).
«La ligation triazole » I. Valverde, V. Aucagne and A.F. Delmas, Colloque glycosynthons et glycoprotéines : un défi pour le chimiste et le biologiste, 2007, Orléans, France.
Co-direction de thèses :
- M. Thibaud Bailly (2019). Directeur de thèse : Pr. Franck Denat, co-direction avec le Dr. Victor Goncalves.
- M. Franceso Rota-Sperti (2019). Directeur de thèse: Dr. David Monchaud.
Co-encadrement de thèse :
- Mlle. Garance Dejouy (2017). Directeur de thèse : Pr. Anthony Romieu.
Supervision de stagiaires de M2 :
- Mlle. Julie Pineau (2018)
- M. Thibaut Charbonnier (2019)
- M. Baptiste Dupouy (2021)
Supervision de stagiares de L3 et M1 (3)