ROMIEU Anthony See the English profil sheet

- ROMIEU Anthony
- Statut : Professeur(e)
- Équipe : PD2A
- Fonction : Chercheurs et enseignants chercheurs
- Seconde équipe : Search support
- Fonction au sein de la deuxième équipe : Chercheurs et enseignants chercheurs
- Tags : Bioconjugaison et peptides, Imagerie Moléculaire, Photophysique, Chimie de Synthèse
- ORCID : 0000-0002-2300-4499
- Adresse :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aille B - Bureau B-R27A
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : (+33) 380 393 624
Ingénieur diplômé de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier en Juin 1995, j'ai effectué ma thèse au sein du laboratoire des Lésions des Acides Nucléiques du CEA Grenoble (Octobre 1996 - Avril 1999) et sous la direction des Drs. J. Cadet et D. Gasparutto. En Mai 1999, j'ai intégré l'Unité de Pharmacochimie Moléculaire et Structurale de l'Université Paris 5 (ex UMR CNRS 8600, Dir. Prof. B.-P. Roques) en tant qu'Ingénieur d'Etudes CNRS. Ma mission principale était la maintenance de la plate-forme technologique de synthèse peptidique du laboratoire (constituée de trois synthétiseurs automatiques et quatre chaînes HPLC). En Juin 2001, j'ai décidé de quitter le CNRS et d'accepter un poste de "Senior Scientist" en chimie bio-organique au sein de la société de biotechnologies Manteia Predictive Medicine S.A. (localisée en Suisse et spin-off du groupe Serono) dont le coeur d'activité concernait le développement d'une technologie originale de séquençage à haut débit des acides nucléiques. Une restructuration faisant suite au rachat de Manteia S.A. par un concurrent anglais (Solexa Ltd. qui sera à son tour racheté en Janvier 2007 par la compagnie Illumina, Inc.) m'a conduit à candidater et obtenir un poste de MCF de l'Université de Rouen en Février 2004. J'ai rejoint le Pr. P.-Y. Renard (nommé en Septembre 2003) afin de constituer au sein du laboratoire COBRA (UMR CNRS 6014) une équipe de chimie bioorganique. En Septembre 2013, suite à ma réussite à un concours PU de l'Université de Bourgogne (site de Dijon), j'ai intégré l'Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne (ICMUB, UMR CNRS 6302, Directeur : Prof. Franck Denat) et l'équipe "Polyamines, Porphyrines, Développement et Applications" (P2DA, responsable d'équipe : Prof. Claude Gros) pour mener des activités de recherche principalement axées sur le développement d'outils chimiques innovants pour la conception de chemosenseurs et d'agents d'imagerie moléculaire. Précisons également que ma promotion comme PU a aussi coincidé avec ma nomination comme membre junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) et ce pour cinq ans (2013-2018). A ce jour, je suis le co-auteur de plus de 90 publications et co-inventeur d'une douzaine de brevets dont trois sont actuellement exploités par la société Illumina dans le contexte de la technologie de séquençage à haut débit "Genome Analyzer"
(1) Développement de nouveaux marqueurs fluorescents efficaces pour l'imagerie biologique.
(2) Synthèse in situ de fluorophores organiques pour des applications en biodétection et/ou imagerie moléculaire.
(3) Nouvelles méthodes de bioconjugaison simples et universelles fondées sur l'utilisation de plateformes moléculaires multivalentes.
[1] Ponsot F, Desbois N, Bucher L, Berthelot M, Mondal P, Gros CP, Romieu A. Near-infrared emissive bacteriochlorin-diketopyrrolopyrrole triads: Synthesis and photophysical properties Dyes Pigm. 2018: in press, see DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.1008.1059.
[2] Dejouy G, Laly M, Valverde IE, Romieu A. Synthesis, stability and spectral behavior of fluorogenic sulfone-pyronin and sulfone-rosamine dyes Dyes Pigm. 2018; 159: 262-274.
[3] Debieu S, Romieu A. Kinetics improvement of protease-mediated formation of pyronin dyes Tetrahedron Lett. 2018; 59: 1940-1944.
[4] Berthelot M, Hoffmann G, Bousfiha A, Echaubard J, Roger J, Cattey H, Romieu A, Lucas D, Fleurat-Lessard P, Devillers CH. Oxidative C-N Fusion of Pyridinyl-Substituted Porphyrins Chem. Commun. 2018; 54: 5414-5417.
[5] Azarias C, Ponce-Vargas M, Navizet I, Fleurat-Lessard P, Romieu A, Le Guennic B, Richard J-A, Jacquemin D. Rationalisation of the Optical Signatures of nor-Dihydroxanthene-Hemicyanine Fused Near-Infrared Fluorophores By First Principle Tools Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018; 20: 12120-12128.
[6] Ong MJH, Debieu S, Moreau M, Romieu A, Richard J-A. Synthesis of N,N-Dialkylamino-nor-Dihydroxanthene-Hemicyanine Fused Near-Infrared Fluorophores and Their First Water-Soluble and/or Bioconjugatable Analogues Chem. - Asian. J. 2017; 12: 936-946.
[7] Debieu S, Romieu A. In situ formation of pyronin dyes for fluorescence protease sensing Org. Biomol. Chem. 2017; 15: 2575-2584.
[8] Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Azo-based Fluorogenic Probes for Biosensing and Bioimaging: Recent Advances and Upcoming Challenges Chem. - Asian. J. 2017; 12: 2008-2028.
[9] Romieu A, Richard J-A. An expedient synthesis of N,N-dialkylamino-dihydroxanthene-pyrylium conjugated near-infrared fluorescent dyes Tetrahedron Lett. 2016; 57: 317-320.
[10] Ong MJH, Srinivasan R, Romieu A, Richard J-A. Divergent synthesis of dihydroxanthene-hemicyanine fused near-infrared fluorophores through the late-stage amination of a bifunctional precursor Org. Lett. 2016; 18: 5122-5125.
[11] Glowacka PC, Maindron N, Stephenson GR, Romieu A, Renard P-Y, da Silva Emery F. Synthesis and photophysical properties of iron-carbonyl complex-coumarin conjugates as potential bimodal IR-fluorescent probes Tetrahedron Lett. 2016; 57: 4991-4996.
[12] Abdulaeva IA, Birin KP, Michalak J, Romieu A, Stern C, Bessmertnykh-Lemeune A, Guilard R, Gorbunova YG, Tsivadze AY. On the synthesis of functionalized porphyrins and porphyrin conjugates via β−aminoporphyrins New J. Chem. 2016; 40: 5758-5774.
[13] Roubinet B, Massif C, Moreau M, Boschetti F, Ulrich G, Ziessel R, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. New 3-(Heteroaryl)-2-iminocoumarin-based Borate Complexes: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Rational Functionalization for Biosensing/Biolabeling Applications Chem. - Eur. J. 2015; 21: 14589-14601.
[14] Roubinet B, Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. A Synthetic Route to 3-(Heteroaryl)-7-Hydroxycoumarins Designed for Biosensing Applications Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015: 166-182.
[15] Roubinet B, Bailly L, Petit E, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. A FRET-based probe for fluorescence sensing of sulfide/sulfite analytes, using a novel long-wavelength water-soluble 7-hydroxycoumarin as reporter fluorophore Tetrahedron Lett. 2015; 56: 1015-1019.
[16] Romieu A. "AND" luminescent "reactive" molecular logic gates: a gateway to multi-analyte bioimaging and biosensing Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015; 13: 1294-1306.
[17] Nury C, Redeker V, Dautrey S, Romieu A, van der Rest G, Renard P-Y, Melki R, Chamot-Rooke J. A Novel Bio-Orthogonal Cross-Linker for Improved Protein/Protein Interaction Analysis Anal. Chem. 2015; 87: 1853-1860.
[18] Jacquemet A, Rihn S, Ulrich G, Renard P-Y, Romieu A, Ziessel R. Rational Design of Latent Fluorophores based on Water-Soluble ortho-Hydroxyphenyl-triazine ESIPT Dyes and suitable for Lipase Sensing Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015: 1664-1669.
[19] Heyer E, Lory P, Leprince J, Moreau M, Romieu A, Guardigli M, Roda A, Ziessel R. Highly fluorescent, water-soluble, bioconjugable diketopyrrolopyrrole dyes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015; 54: 2995-2999.
[20] Debieu S, Romieu A. Dual enzyme-responsive "turn-on" fluorescence sensing systems based on in situ formation of 7-hydroxy-2-iminocoumarin scaffolds Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015; 13: 10348-10361.
[21] Chevalier A, Renault K, Boschetti F, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Rapid Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Sulforhodamines through Nucleophilic Amination of a Mono-Bromo Sulfoxanthene Dye Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015: 152-165.
[22] Chevalier A, Piao W, Hanaoka K, Nagano T, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Azobenzene-caged sulforhodamine dyes: a novel class of "turn-on" reactive probes for hypoxic tumor cell imaging Methods Appl. Fluoresc. 2015; 3: 044004.
[23] Roubinet B, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. New insights into the water-solubilization of thiol-sensitive fluorogenic probes based on long-wavelength 7-hydroxycoumarin scaffolds Dyes Pigm. 2014; 110: 270-284.
[24] Oueis E, Santoni G, Ronco C, Syzgantseva O, Tognetti V, Joubert L, Romieu A, Weik M, Jean L, Sabot C, Nachon F, Renard P-Y. Reaction site-driven regioselective synthesis of AChE inhibitors Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014; 12: 156-161.
[25] Jouanno L-J, Chevalier A, Sekkat N, Perzo N, Castel H, Romieu A, Lange N, Sabot C, Renard P-Y. Kondrat'eva Ligation: Diels‒Alder-based Irreversible Reaction for Bioconjugation J. Org. Chem. 2014; 79: 10353-10366.
[26] Jolivel V, Arthaud S, Botia B, Portal C, Delest B, Clavé G, Leprince J, Romieu A, Renard P-Y, Touzani O, Ligeret H, Noack P, Massonneau M, Fournier A, Vaudry H, Vaudry D. Biochemical Characterization of a Caspase-3 Far-red Fluorescent Probe for Non-invasive Optical Imaging of Neuronal Apoptosis J. Mol. Neurosci. 2014; 54: 451-462.
[27] Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Straightforward synthesis of bioconjugatable azo dyes. Part 2: Black Hole Quencher-2 (BHQ-2) and BlackBerry Quencher-650 (BBQ-650) scaffolds Tetrahedron Lett. 2014; 55: 6764-6768.
[28] Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Straightforward synthesis of bioconjugatable azo dyes. Part 1: Black Hole Quencher-1 (BHQ-1) scaffold Tetrahedron Lett. 2014; 55: 6759-6763.
[29] Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Azo-Sulforhodamine Dyes: A Novel Class of Broad Spectrum dark Quenchers Org. Lett. 2014; 16: 3946-3949.
[30] Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Straightforward Access to Water-Soluble Unsymmetrical Sulfoxanthene Dyes. Application to the Preparation of Near-Infrared Dyes with Large Stokes' Shifts Chem.--Eur. J. 2014; 20: 8330-8337.
[31] Besret S, Vicogne J, Dhamani F, Fafeur V, Desmet R, Drobecq H, Romieu A, Melnyk P, Melnyk O. Thiocarbamate-linked polysulfonate-peptide conjugates as selective hepatocyte growth factor receptor binders Bioconjugate Chem. 2014; 25: 1000-1010.
[32] Viault G, Dautrey S, Maindron N, Hardouin J, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. The first "ready-to-use" benzene-based heterotrifunctional cross-linker for multiple bioconjugation Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013; 11: 2693-2705.
[33] Romieu A, Massif C, Rihn S, Ulrich G, Ziessel R, Renard P-Y. The first comparative study of the ability of different hydrophilic groups to water-solubilize fluorescent BODIPY dyes New J. Chem. 2013; 37: 1016-1027.
[34] Priem T, Bouteiller C, Camporese D, Brune X, Hardouin J, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. A novel sulfonated prosthetic group for [18F]-radiolabeling and imparting water solubility of biomolecules and cyanine fluorophores Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013; 11: 469-479.
[35] Chevalier A, Mercier C, Saurel L, Orenga S, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. The first latent green fluorophores for the detection of azoreductase activity in bacterial cultures Chem. Commun. 2013; 49: 8815-8817.
[36] Chevalier A, Massif C, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Bioconjugatable Azo-Based Dark-Quencher Dyes: Synthesis and Application to Protease-Activatable Far-Red Fluorescent Probes Chem.--Eur. J. 2013; 19: 1686-1699.
[37] Chevalier A, Hardouin J, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Universal Dark Quencher Based on "Clicked" Spectrally Distinct Azo Dyes Org. Lett. 2013; 15: 6082-6085.
[38] Chevalier A, Dubois M, Le Joncour V, Dautrey S, Lecointre C, Romieu A, Renard P-Y, Castel H, Sabot C. Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and in Vivo Imaging of the first Camptothecin-Fluorescein Conjugate Bioconjugate Chem. 2013; 24: 1119-1133.
[39] Priem T, Bouteiller C, Camporese D, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. Synthesis and reactivity of a bis-sultone cross-linker for peptide conjugation and [18F]-radiolabelling via unusual "double click" approach Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012; 10: 1068-1078.
[40] Niu S-L, Massif C, Ulrich G, Renard P-Y, Romieu A, Ziessel R. Water-Soluble Red-Emitting Distyryl-Borondipyrromethene (BODIPY) Dyes for Biolabeling Chem.--Eur. J. 2012; 18: 7229-7242.
[41] Massif C, Dautrey S, Haefele A, Ziessel R, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. New insights into the water-solubilization of fluorophores by post-synthetic "click" and Sonogashira reactions Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012; 10: 4330-4336.
[42] Traoré T, Clavé G, Delacour L, Kotera N, Renard P-Y, Romieu A, Berthault P, Boutin C, Tassali N, Rousseau B. The first metal-free water-soluble cryptophane-111 Chem. Commun. 2011; 47: 9702-9704.
[43] Romieu A, Bruckdorfer T, Clavé G, Grandclaude V, Massif C, Renard P-Y. N-Fmoc-a-sulfo-b-alanine: a versatile building block for the water solubilization of chromophores and fluorophores by solid-phase strategy Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011; 9: 5337-5342.
[44] Paunescu E, Louise L, Jean L, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. A versatile access to new halogenated 7-azidocoumarins for photoaffinity labeling: Synthesis and photophysical properties Dyes Pigm. 2011; 91: 427-434.
[45] Maindron N, Poupart S, Hamon M, Langlois J-B, Plé N, Jean L, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. Synthesis and luminescence properties of new red-shifted absorption lanthanide(III) chelates suitable for peptide and protein labelling Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011; 9: 2357-2370.
[46] Koci J, Grandclaude V, Massonneau M, Richard J-A, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. A novel and unusually long-lived chemiluminophore based on the 7-hydroxycoumarin scaffold Chem. Commun. 2011; 47: 6713-6715.
[47] Debunne M, Portal C, Delest B, Brakenhielm E, Lallemand F, Henry J-P, Ligeret H, Noack P, Massonneau M, Romieu A, Renard P-Y, Thuillez C, Richard V. In vitro and ex vivo evaluation of smart infra-red fluorescent caspase-3 probes for molecular imaging of cardiovascular apoptosis International Journal of Molecular Imaging 2011: Article ID 413290.
[48] Romieu A, Tavernier-Lohr D, Pellet-Rostaing S, Lemaire M, Renard P-Y. Water solubilization of xanthene dyes by post-synthetic sulfonation in organic media Tetrahedron Lett. 2010; 51: 3304-3308.
[49] Niu SL, Massif C, Ulrich G, Ziessel R, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Water-solubilization and bio-conjugation of a red-emitting BODIPY marker Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010; 9: 66-69.
[50] Meyer Y, Richard J-A, Delest B, Noack P, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. A comparative study of the self-immolation of para-aminobenzylalcohol and hemithioaminal-based linkers in the context of protease-sensitive fluorogenic probes Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010; 8: 1777-1780.
[51] Louise-Leriche L, Paunescu E, Saint-Andre G, Baati R, Romieu A, Wagner A, Renard P-Y. A HTS Assay for the Detection of Organophosphorus Nerve Agent Scavengers Chem.--Eur. J. 2010; 16: 3510-3523.
[52] Clavé G, Volland H, Flaender M, Gasparutto D, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. A universal and ready-to-use heterotrifunctional cross-linking reagent for facile synthetic access to sophisticated bioconjugates Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010; 8: 4329-4345.
[53] Clavé G, Ronco C, Boutal H, Kreich N, Volland H, Franck X, Romieu A, Renard PY. Facile and rapid access to linear and truncated microcystin analogs for the implementation of immunoassays Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010; 8: 676-690.
[54] Ronco C, Sorin G, Nachon F, Foucault R, Jean L, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of Huprine derivatives as human acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2009; 17: 4523-4536.
[55] Richard J-A, Jean L, Schenkels C, Massonneau M, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. Self-cleavable chemiluminescent probes suitable for protease sensing Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009; 7: 2941-2957.
[56] Niu SL, Ulrich G, Ziessel R, Kiss A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Water-soluble BODIPY derivatives Org. Lett. 2009; 11: 2049-2052.
[57] Turcatti G, Romieu A, Fedurco M, Tairi A-P. A new class of cleavable fluorescent nucleotides: synthesis and optimization as reversible terminators for DNA sequencing by synthesis Nucleic Acids Res. 2008; 36: e25/21-e25/13.
[58] Romieu A, Brossard D, Hamon M, Outaabout H, Portal C, Renard P-Y. Postsynthetic derivatization of fluorophores with alpha-sulfo-beta-alanine dipeptide linker. Application to the preparation of water-soluble cyanine and rhodamine dyes Bioconjugate Chem. 2008; 19: 279-289.
[59] Richard J-A, Meyer Y, Jolivel V, Massonneau M, Dumeunier R, Vaudry D, Vaudry H, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Latent Fluorophores Based on a Self-Immolative Linker Strategy and Suitable for Protease Sensing†Bioconjugate Chem. 2008; 19: 1707-1718.
[60] Richard J-A, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. 7-Hydroxycoumarin-Hemicyanine Hybrids: A New Class of Far-Red Emitting Fluorogenic Dyes Org. Lett. 2008; 10: 4175-4178.
[61] Meyer Y, Richard J-A, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Development of a New Nonpeptidic Self-Immolative Spacer. Application to the Design of Protease Sensing Fluorogenic Probes Org. Lett. 2008; 10: 1517-1520.
[62] Clavé G, Boutal H, Hoang A, Perraut F, Volland H, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. A novel heterotrifunctional peptide-based cross-linking reagent for facile access to bioconjugates. Applications to peptide fluorescent labelling and immobilisation Org. Biomol. Chem. 2008; 6: 3065-3078.
[63] Bentley DR et al. Accurate whole human genome sequencing using reversible terminator chemistry Nature 2008; 456: 53-59.
[64] Richard J-A, Jean L, Romieu A, Massonneau M, Noack-Fraissignes P, Renard P-Y. Chemiluminescent Probe for the in Vitro Detection of Protease Activity Org. Lett. 2007; 9: 4853-4855.
[65] Bouteiller C, Clavé G, Bernardin A, Chipon B, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Novel Water-Soluble Near-Infrared Cyanine Dyes: Synthesis, Spectral Properties, and Use in the Preparation of Internally Quenched Fluorescent Probes Bioconjugate Chem. 2007; 18: 1303-1317.
[66] Poupart S, Boudou C, Peixoto P, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Aminopropargyl derivative of terpyridine-bis(methyl-enamine) tetraacetic acid chelate of europium (Eu (TMT)-AP3): a new reagent for fluorescent labelling of proteins and peptides Org. Biomol. Chem. 2006; 4: 4165-4177.
[67] Lapeyre M, Leprince J, Massonneau M, Oulyadi H, Renard P-Y, Romieu A, Turcatti G, Vaudry H. Aryldithioethyloxycarbonyl (Ardec): a new family of amine protecting groups removable under mild reducing conditions and their applications to peptide synthesis Chem.--Eur. J. 2006; 12: 3655-3671.
[68] Fedurco M, Romieu A, Williams S, Lawrence I, Turcatti G. BTA, a novel reagent for DNA attachment on glass and efficient generation of solid-phase amplified DNA colonies Nucleic Acids Res. 2006; 34: e22/21-e22/13.
[69] Clavé G, Bernardin A, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Latent fluorophores based on a Mannich cyclisation trigger Tetrahedron Lett. 2006; 47: 6229-6233.
[70] Chipon B, Clavé G, Bouteiller C, Massonneau M, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Synthesis and post-synthetic derivatization of a cyanine-based amino acid. Application to the preparation of a novel water-soluble NIR dye Tetrahedron Lett. 2006; 47: 8279-8284.
[71] Raguin O, Fournie-Zaluski M-C, Romieu A, Pelegrin A, Chatelet F, Pelaprat D, Barbet J, Roques BP, Gruaz-Guyon A. A labeled neutral endopeptidase inhibitor as a potential tool for tumor diagnosis and prognosis Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2005; 44: 4058-4061.
[72] Cadet J, Bellon S, Douki T, Frelon S, Gasparutto D, Muller E, Pouget J-P, Ravanat J-L, Romieu A, Sauvaigo S. Radiation-induced DNA damage: formation, measurement, and biochemical features J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol. 2004; 23: 33-43.
[73] Belliard G, Romieu A, Zagury J-F, Dali H, Chaloin O, Le Grand R, Loret E, Briand J-P, Roques B, Desgranges C, Muller S. Specificity and effect on apoptosis of Tat antibodies from vaccinated and SHIV-infected rhesus macaques and HIV-infected individuals Vaccine 2003; 21: 3186-3199.
[74] Dong C-Z, Romieu A, Mounier CM, Heymans F, Roques BP, Godfroid J-J. Total direct chemical synthesis and biological activities of human group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 Biochem. J. 2002; 365: 505-511.
[75] Luciani N, De Rocquigny H, Turcaud S, Romieu A, Roques BP. Highly sensitive and selective fluorescence assays for rapid screening of endothelin-converting enzyme inhibitors Biochem. J. 2001; 356: 813-819.
[76] Bellon S, Gasparutto D, Romieu A, Cadet J. 5-(phenylthiomethyl)-2'-deoxyuridine as an efficient photoreactive precursor to generate single and multiple lesions within DNA fragments Nucleosides, Nucleotides Nucleic Acids 2001; 20: 967-971.
[77] Romieu A, Bellon S, Gasparutto D, Cadet J. Synthesis and UV Photolysis of Oligodeoxynucleotides That Contain 5-(Phenylthiomethyl)-2'-deoxyuridine: A Specific Photolabile Precursor of 5-(2'-Deoxyuridilyl)methyl Radical Org. Lett. 2000; 2: 1085-1088.
[78] Muller E, Gasparutto D, Jaquinod M, Romieu A, Cadet J. Chemical and biochemical properties of oligonucleotides that contain (5'S,6S)-cyclo-5,6-dihydro-2'-deoxyuridine and (5'S,6S)-cyclo-5,6-dihydrothymidine, two main radiation-induced degradation products of pyrimidine 2'-deoxyribonucleosides Tetrahedron 2000; 56: 8689-8701.
[79] Kuraoka I, Bender C, Romieu A, Cadet J, Wood RD, Lindahl T. Removal of oxygen free-radical-induced 5',8-purine cyclodeoxynucleosides from DNA by the nucleotide excision-repair pathway in human cells Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2000; 97: 3832-3837.
[80] Gasparutto D, Bourdat A-G, D'Ham C, Duarte V, Romieu A, Cadet J. Repair and replication of oxidized DNA bases using modified oligodeoxyribonucleotides Biochimie 2000; 82: 19-24.
[81] Cadet J, Bourdat AG, D'Ham C, Duarte V, Gasparutto D, Romieu A, Ravanat JL. Oxidative base damage to DNA: specificity of base excision repair enzymes Mutat. Res., Rev. Mutat. Res. 2000; 462: 121-128.
[82] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Molko D, Ravanat J-L, Cadet J. Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing the (4R) and (4S) diastereoisomers of 4,8-dihydro-4-hydroxy-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine Eur. J. Org. Chem. 1999: 49-56.
[83] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Molko D, Cadet J. Synthesis and characterization of oligodeoxynucleotides containing 5',8-cyclopurine-2'-deoxyribonucleosides Nucleosides & Nucleotides 1999; 18: 1331-1333.
[84] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Cadet J. Synthesis and characterization of oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the two 5R and 5S diastereomers of (5'S,6S)-5',6-cyclo-5,6-dihydrothymidine; radiation-induced tandem lesions of thymidine J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 1999: 1257-1264.
[85] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Cadet J. Synthesis and Characterization of Oligonucleotides Containing 5',8-Cyclopurine-2'-deoxyribonucleosides : (5'R)-5',8-Cyclo-2'-deoxyadenosine, (5'S)-5',8-Cyclo-2'-deoxyguanosine, and (5'R)-5',8-Cyclo-2'-deoxyguanosine Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1999; 12: 412-421.
[86] D'Ham C, Romieu A, Jaquinod M, Gasparutto D, Cadet J. Excision of 5,6-Dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymine, 5,6-Dihydrothymine, and 5-Hydroxycytosine from Defined Sequence Oligonucleotides by Escherichia coli Endonuclease III and Fpg Proteins: Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects Biochemistry 1999; 38: 3335-3344.
[87] Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Gromova M, Pouget JP, Ravanat JL, Romieu A, Sauvaigo S. Radiation-induced damage to DNA: mechanistic aspects and measurement of base lesions Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 1999; 151: 1-7.
[88] Cadet J, Bardet M, Berger M, Berthod T, Delatour T, D'Ham C, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Grand A, Guy A, Jolibois F, Molko D, Polverelli M, Ravanat JL, Romieu A, Signorini N, Sauvaigo S. Oxidative base damage to DNA: Recent mechanistic aspects, measurement and repair NATO ASI Series, Series A: Life Sciences 1999; 302: 47-58.
[89] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Molko D, Cadet J. Site-specific Introduction of (5'S)-5',8-Cyclo-2'-Deoxyadenosine into Oligodeoxyribonucleotides J. Org. Chem. 1998; 63: 5245-5249.
[90] Romieu A, Gasparutto D, Molko D, Cadet J. A convenient synthesis of 5-hydroxy-2'-deoxycytidine phosphoramidite and its incorporation into oligonucleotides Tetrahedron Lett. 1997; 38: 7531-7534.
Brevets :
[1] Fedurco M, Romieu A, Turcatti G. Use of trimesic and benzenetriacetic acids to prepare carboxyl group-containing substrates for immobilization of biomolecules, Solexa Limited, Lynx Therapeutics Inc.
[2] Fedurco M, Romieu A, Turcatti G. Improved method of fluorescence-based nucleic acid sequencing in antioxidant-containing buffer, Solexa Limited.
[3] Renard PY, Romieu A, Massonneau M. Preparation of substituted 1,2-dioxetane biomarkers with luminescent emission and their use, Quidd, Université de Rouen.
[4] Liu X, Milton J, Smith GP, Barnes C, Rasolonjatovo IMJ, Rigatti R, Wu X, Ost TWB, Worsley GJ, Earnshaw DJ, Turcatti G, Romieu A. Preparation of single-stranded templates for nucleic acid sequencing, Solexa Limited.
[5] Renard PY, Romieu A, Richard JA, Massonneau M. Preparation of new pro-fluorescent compounds, particularly peptidyl coumarin and acridinone derivatives, as probes for the detection of protease activity, Quidd, Université de Rouen.
[6] Clavé G, Renard PY, Romieu A, Volland H. Preparation of trifunctional pseudopeptide reagents, especially luminescent reagents, and their bioconjugates, and their use for the functionalization of solid supports for the detection of biomolecules, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique.
[7] Bouteiller C, Mariani MF, Ronco C, Renard PY, Jean L, Romieu A. Labeled huprine derivatives and their use in medical imaging, Université de Rouen, Advanced Accelerator Applications.
[8] Ronco C, Renard PY, Jean L, Nachon F, Romieu A. Preparation of 7,11-methanocycloocta[b]quinoline derivative as highly functionalizable acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for treating neurological diseases, Université de Rouen.
[9] Priem T, Bouteiller C, Camporese D, Romieu A, Renard P-Y. Preparation of new nucleophile-reactive sulfonated compounds for the radiolabeling of biomolecules; precursors and conjugates thereof, Advanced Accelerator Applications.
[10] Viault G, Dautrey S, Renard P-Y, Romieu A. Reagent including four orthogonal functions and its uses, Université de Rouen.
[11] Orenga S, Chalansonnet V, Chevalier A, Renard P-Y, Romieu A, Roubinet B. Fluorogenic/fluorescent probes derivative from sulfoxanthene, and use thereof, bioMérieux.
(1) Synthèse organique (multi-étapes, photochimique, asymétrique) de molécules très diverses : biomolécules, "cleavable and/or traceless linkers", fluorophores (dérivés acridine, coumarine, cyanine, diazoïque, DPP, oxazine et (hétéro)xanthène), hétérocyles azotés (ligands polypyridine) et organosilanes.
(2) Chimie bio-organique : synthèse de nucléosides, de nucléotides et d'acides aminés modifiés. Modifications "post-synthétiques" (introduction de marqueurs fluorescents, de "PEG and/or cleavable linkers", de fonctions réactives : thiol, ...), photochimie et enzymologie des acides nucléiques. Chimie fine autour de la synthèse peptidique (cyclisation, marquage fluorescent et vectorisation d'inhibiteurs). Techniques de bio-conjugaison ("wet chemistry") appliquées aux acides nucléiques et aux protéines ("click chemistry", ...).
(3) Synthèse automatisée sur support solide : synthèse peptidique (stratégie "Fmoc/tBu", ABI 431A, 433 et Symphony/Multiplex) et synthèse oligonucléotidique ("chimie phosphoramidite", ABI 392).
(4) Chimie de surface : nettoyage, silanisation et fonctionnalisation de surfaces en verre (formats : lames et micro-canaux).
(5) Chimie analytique : purification par HPLC (phase inverse, normale et échangeuse d'ions), purification par chromatographie sur gel d'exclusion (purification de protéines), analyses HPLC, GC, GC-MS, LC-MS, ESI-MS (QUATTRO micro, Micromass, LCQ Advantage MAX (trappe d'ions) et MSQ Plus, Thermo Scientific), caractérisations spectroscopiques IR et RMN 1 et 2D (1H et hétéronoyaux), photophysique (spectres Abs/Ex/Em, rendements quantiques absolus/relatifs et ETE). Développement et validation de procédures QC (contrôle qualité) pour l'analyse (pureté et stabilité) de matières premières (réactifs chimiques).