COMICS - Chemistry Of Molecular Interactions Catalysis & Sensors

 europe bandeau FEDER

L’Europe s’engage en Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Le programme concerne la recherche de nouveaux procédés de synthèse éco-compatibles, et la mise en œuvre de matériaux originaux en vue de l’activation ou la détection de molécules, la séparation d’espèces chimiques stratégiques, ou la dépollution et le recyclage de métaux stratégiques. L’approche qui a été retenue pour répondre à cette demande sociétale majeure de transition écologique/économique se base dans ce projet sur la réactivité métallique et catalytique par chimie de coordination, dont les principes généraux s’appliquent de manière transversale au domaine de la captation chimique et des capteurs au sens large : détection, stockage, relargage, contrôle, quantification, dépollution. Un point clé du projet est l'acquisition d'un équipement d'Instrumentation d'analyse de surface Hard X-ray Photo-électroscopie (HAXPES).

Le projet CoMICS requiert des compétences dans des domaines variés, compétences complémentaires en chimie expérimentale et théorique, chimie moléculaire, réactivité et caractérisation de surface, qui sont réunies en Bourgogne Franche-Comté au travers d’un partenariat fort entre 4 laboratoires des Instituts du CNRS.

NOM DU PROJET : COMICS (Chemistry Of Molecular Interactions Catalysis & Sensors)

PORTEUR DE PROJET: ICMUB UMR CNRS 6302 - Université de Bourgogne (Prof. Jean-Cyrille HIERSO)

MONTANT FEDER (portage UB) : 463 850.00 € HT - Montant total du projet COMICS UBFC : 1 231 600.00 € HT


 Financeurs COMICS

I-SITE 2017 - Junior - Pi-extension of porphyrins: towards functional materials

π-extension of aromatic compounds by intramolecular oxidative coupling with a peripheral conjugated substituent (=fusion reaction) is currently an active research field in molecular chemistry since numerous potential applications are expected (PDT,IR absorption, solar cells, molecular conducting materials…).

This project aims at
1) synthesizing porphyrinic precursors to be fused,
2) synthesizing and exploring the reactivity of fused compounds,
3) transferring the reactivity observed in solution onto a surface by grafting the unfused precursors/fused compounds leading to switchable materials.

Principal Investigator: Dr Charles Devillers

I-SITE 2018 - BIONANOCAR - Bioresorbable nanocarriers for a better exploitation of the radiosensitizing effect of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles

This interdisciplinary project aims to develop some bioresorbable nanocarriers characterized by a long-lasting circulation time in order to plentifully exploit the promising potential of the ultrasmall gold nanoparticles for image-guided radiotherapy used for the control growth of solid tumor.

Stéphane ROUX, UFC/UTINAM Collab. ICMUB, EA4267, CGFL

I-SITE 2018 - FEDER - BioCAIR - Biomarkers of T-Cell Activity in tumours and Immunotherapy Response

Logo_FEDER I-SITE_biocair

In order to propose a targeted and efficient treatment of most advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the BioCAIR project proposes to identify new biomarkers of clinical response to immunotherapies and develop innovative imaging diagnostic tools. The consortium is a public-private partnership with skills suitable for molecular imaging studies, from molecular chemistry to preclinical imaging in close vicinity with several hospital clinical departments.

Cyril BERTHET, ONCODESIGN/Pharmimage Collab. CHU Besançon, CGFL, ICMUB, LNC, LIIC, Diaclone

I-SITE 2018 - Junior - Smart C–H Bond Functionalization at s-Tetrazine for New materials and Medical Applications

In the last few years s-tetrazines have been the object of considerable interest in various research fields of primary importance. These include the development of functional materials for energy and health applications. For instance, tetrazines are bioorthogonal “Click Chemistry” reagents or useful fluorophores with original optoelectronic features. Yet, the synthetic preparation of highly functionalized s-tetrazine remains extremely limited. It mainly relies on the initial Pinner synthesis of poorly-functionalized tetrazine halides or arenes, showing serious synthetic limitations. This entire project aims at delivering the next generation of synthetic methods towards modular and convenient construction of highly functionalized tetrazines and useful derivatives. The potential of application is very significant, and overall is industrially-pertinent, as testified by the intense patenting in the field in the last years, including in our research group. We target metal-catalysed reactions based on modern sustainable chemistry and green processes, by mainly using ortho-selective C–H bond activation and direct C–H bond functionalization at s-tetrazines. We will investigate the methods and reaction scope of usable transition metals with electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents to integrate with tetrazine-core useful reactive functional groups through C–C and C–X bond formation (X = O, N, P, B, etc.). The complementary electrophilic and nucleophilic methodologies developed will then apply on targets which span various topical domains from molecular materials to medicinal applications

Principal investigator: Dr Julien Roger

I-SITE 2021 - ANASTASIA - Alternative nucleic acid structures stabilization triggers replicative stress and induces apoptosis


Beyond the double helix of DNA (a.k.a. Watson-Crick duplex), it is now accepted that DNA can transiently fold into higher-order structures comprising not two but three (e.g., triplex DNA, three-way DNA junction) or four strands (e.g., quadruplex DNA, four-way DNA junction). This folding is made possible during DNA transactions (replication, transcription), as a result of torsional stress and local strand separation. These alternative structures might act as roadblocks to polymerases in charge of DNA transactions, which is recognized as a DNA damage. Stabilizing these structures with suited ligands thus represents a new way to foster genetic instability, notably in cells with a flawed repertoire of DNA damage signaling and repair mechanisms (i.e., cancer cells). Here, we studied specific three-way DNA junction ligands to use them either as standalone anticancer agents or in combination with clinically relevant DDR inhibitors in an approach referred to as synthetic lethality strategy

Related references :

Duskova et al., J. Med. Chem. 2019

Duskova et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020

Zell et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021

IMAPPI project (Integrated Magnetic resonance And Positron emission tomography in Preclinical Imaging - MRI and PET imaging coupled with pre-clinical)

The IMAPPI project (Integrated Magnetic resonance And Positron emission tomography in Preclinical Imaging - MRI and PET imaging coupled with pre-clinical), introduced as part of the call "Equipment for Excellence" (EquipEx) of the "Investissements d'Avenir" (Investments for the Future), in which ICMUB is a major partner, is funded by the General Commission for Investment and the French Government.

Lead by Professor François Brunotte - Head of Nuclear Medicine Department of the Cancer Center Georges-François Leclerc in Dijon - this project aims at developing an emerging technology that combine in the same imaging camera both MRI and Positron emission tomography (PET) detection techniques. It represents a major technological challenge since such equipment is now available as a prototype in only a few sites in the world. None is available in France.

This innovative project is based on strong collaboration between research teams (public and private teams) and the desire for Bioscan, a globally recognized company in the field of preclinical imaging, to develop a prototype PET-MRI in Dijon. Three research axes essential for the development of such equipment will be developed through the participation of various partners through the: i) technological development of a PET-MRI equipment and post-processing technologies, ii) development of molecular probes and multimodal nanoparticles detected by both techniques MRI and PET and iii) development of animal models that, after injection of the aforementioned bimodal probes, will allow the validation and fine-tuning of the prototype.

ICMUB will be the driving force behind the second axis of research for the development of multimodal molecular probes detected by both techniques MRI and PET. ICMUB can rely on its human and scientific skills to carry out this project of major interest.

This project is the logical continuation of efforts made for many years to develop of a pharmaco-imaging center in Burgundy (CPER 2007-2013, Pharmimage® and its technological platforms, 3MIM project carried by the ICMUB) involving public and private partners including ICMUB. The realization of this project will allow Burgundy to have a fleet of leading technology platforms to enhance its ambition in the fields of imaging and health, and its economic attractiveness.

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